Welcome to Simple PLR Solutions

Ian Whyte

Hi Ian Whyte here,

Thanks for dropping by and checking out my Private Label Rights (PLR) site

It’s early days at the moment so there is not a lot to see. Time will tell.

The main purpose of the site is to provide some basic information about PLR and give you access to some of the better PLR tools and providers online.

I am guessing that, like me, if you have been around the internet marketing space for a while, you’ll have a selection of PLR products on your hard disc.

And, for most of us, it will just have been gathering ‘electronic dust’ there. Often, because, we don’t really appreciate the value of good PLR.

For whatever reason, it just seems difficult to make the next move to utilise a valuable resource like PLR

Perhaps, because, at the back of your mind is the commonly held opinion that all PLR is rubbish. And, without a doubt, some of it definitely is rubbish

On the other hand, however, if you take your time and look closely, there is a select group of PLR writers that always produce excellent products. You just have to find them.

If you want some ideas about these excellent sources get a copy of my FREE eBook at the top of the sidebar.

Alternatively use the STORE menu option above which will take you to my store – Simple PLR – and get some excellent PLR for yourself.

Anyway, that’s enough by way of introduction.

I hope you can find something useful here. And that, over time, some of the information here will help you achieve your online goals.

Talk again soon
