Ian Whyte
9 Top Tips – Create and Sell Limited PLR
Picture this: You spend 45 minutes writing an 850-word article on a survival topic such as “Urban Survival Skills”. You then sell this article for a limited time (24 hours) at $14 per article. During this period, you make 50 sales. You’ve earned $700… for 45 minutes of work. Is this doable? You bet it […]
Unleash the Power of PLR: Your Guide to PLR Solutions
Are you familiar with Private Label Rights (PLR) products? If you’ve been in the internet marketing space for some time, chances are you have a treasure trove of PLR products sitting on your hard drive, gathering digital dust. * Unlock The Potential of PLR But have you ever wondered how to truly unlock the potential […]
PLR Rights – What Are The Differences?
Many PLR buyers become very confused by the differences in PLR rights. And if you stop to think about it’s easy to see why. PLR stands for ‘Private Label Rights’ – so why is everyone saying ‘PLR Rights’? That’s equivalent to saying Private Label Rights Rights. This is just one of the many inconsistencies in […]